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Showing posts from September, 2020

Digital tevhniques__BCD to seven segment decoder IC7447


Digital Techniques__illustrations on Demux


Digital techniques__Decoders

A decoder converts digital signals into corresponding decimal code. The encoded data is most of decoded for user interface for most of the devices like monitor, printer, calculator displays etc.   

Digital techniques__Encoders

 octal to binary encoder : it has 8 inputs and 3 outputs  hex to binary encoder : it has 16 input lines and 4 output lines . 

Digital techniques__Encoders

 We are going to learn encoders, encoders are used in digital communication system. encoders converts the information from one form to another form. lets see them one by one . 1) priority encoder- it is an encoder used to compress the data i.e convert multiple inputs to smaller no. of outputs.  2) Decimal to BCD encoder:- It is also called as 10 line to 4 line encoder. It accepts 10 no. of inputs and produces 4 no. of output. 

Digital techniques__Demux Tree


Digital techniques__Demux IC 74155


Digital techniques__1:16 Dmux