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Digital techniques__end of chapter

Dear friends/students  Here we ends with sequential circuit.  I hope these topics will definitely helps you in your exams.  For more doubts 📝 you can connect me on📧 Keep studying and keep enjoying...😊😊 For previous topic notes please visit 

Digital techniques__Twisted Ring Counter


Digital techniques__Ring Counter


Digital techniques__decade counter


Digital techniques__MOD-5 counter


Digital techniques__MOD-N counter


Digital techniques__4 bit up/down ripple counter


Digital techniques__4 bit asynchronous down counter


Digital techniques__4 bit binary asynchronous up counter


Digital techniques__counters


Digital techniques__universal shift register


Digital techniques__PIPO shift register


Digital techniques__PISO shift register


Digital techniques__SIPO shift register


Digital techniques__SISO (shift right mode )


Digital techniques__Shift Register__SISO


Digital techniques__Excitation tables of flip-flop


Digital techniques__ S_R flip flop excitation table


Digital techniques__preset and Clear inputs

Digital techniques__master slave J-K flip flop


Digital techniques__how to avoid race around condition and T-Flip flop


Digital techniques__J-K flip flop


Digital Techniques__D-Flip-flop


Digital techniques__S-R flip flop


Digital techniques__Triggering methods


Digital techniques___S-R latch using NAND Gate


Digital techniques__Operation of S-R latch

Operation of S-R latch   

Digital techniques__S-R latch

S-R Latch   

Digital Techniques__clock signal and basic memory cell


Digital techniques__Introduction of Sequential circuits

Hello my dear students, today we are going to start new chapter. The sequential logic circuits.  Lets see the difference between combinational circuits and sequential circuits.              combinational circuit                                                                   1) Output depends on present input only                             2) Logic gates are building blocks                                        3) There is no feedback between input & output                4) No memory element.                  ...

Digital tevhniques__BCD to seven segment decoder IC7447


Digital Techniques__illustrations on Demux


Digital techniques__Decoders

A decoder converts digital signals into corresponding decimal code. The encoded data is most of decoded for user interface for most of the devices like monitor, printer, calculator displays etc.   

Digital techniques__Encoders

 octal to binary encoder : it has 8 inputs and 3 outputs  hex to binary encoder : it has 16 input lines and 4 output lines .