Hello my dear students, today we are going to start new chapter. The sequential logic circuits.
Lets see the difference between combinational circuits and sequential circuits.
combinational circuit
1) Output depends on present input only
2) Logic gates are building blocks
3) There is no feedback between input & output
4) No memory element.
5) This is time independent
6) Ex. Mux, D-mux, adder, subtractor etc.
sequential circuit
1) Output depends on present and past input
2) Flip-Flops are building blocks
3) There is feedback between input & output
4) Memory element is present.
5) This is time dependent
6) Ex. Flip-Flops, counter, shift registers etc.
From this comparison you all are now familiar about these circuits .
In this topic we will cover Latches,
flip flops-D flip flop, J-K flip flop, T-flip flop, Master-slave JK flip-flop, S-R flip flop etc.,
Counters- Ring counter, MOD counter, synchronous and asynchronous counters etc.
Shift Registers - SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO shift registers etc.
Thank you for starting new chapter