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Showing posts from February, 2021

Digital techniques__ 2 marks questions.

 a) Convert the following hexadecimal number to decimal number (i) (EF)16 (ii) (DAD)16 b) Convert the following decimal number to octal. (i) (28)10 (ii) (62)10 c) Draw the symbol of EX-OR and EX-NOR gate along with  its logical equation d) Draw symbol of AND gate and write its truth table. e) Draw the symbol of D-FlipFlop and T-FlipFlop. f) Define Bidirectional Shift Register and Universal Shift Register. g) State different triggering methods in digital circuits. h) State DeMorgan’s theorems. i) Convert the following: (i) (111011)2 = ( ? ) gray code (ii) (46)10 = ( ? ) excess-3 code j) What is Modulus of counter? How many FlipFlops are required for MOD-11 counter. k) Implement given logical equation using gates Y = AB+C

Digital techniques_question bank

 (a) Sketch symbol and write truth table of two input EX-OR gate.   (b) Define the term ‘Multiplexer’. State two examples of multiplexer.   (c) Implement T flip flop using J K flip flop. Write its truth table.   (d) Implement following Boolean equation using fundamental gates :   Y = ABC + A BC + A C B   (e) Convert the following decimal number to octal. (i) (28)10 (ii) (62)10 (f)Draw the symbol of EX-OR and EX-NOR gate along with its logical equation g) Draw symbol of AND gate and write its truth table. h) Draw the symbol of D-FlipFlop and T-FlipFlop. i) Define Bidirectional Shift Register and Universal Shift Register. j) State different triggering methods in digital circuits. k) State DeMorgan’s theorems. l) Convert the following: (i) (111011)2 = ( ? ) gray code (ii) (46)10 = ( ? ) excess-3 code m) What is Modulus of counter? How many FlipFlops are required for MOD-11 counter. n) Implement given logical equation using gates Y = AB...

Digital techniques_2marks questions

 Q.1) Attempt the following questions:- 10 Marks  (a) Draw the symbol and write the truth table of universal Gates. (b) In a 3 variable K’ Map if there are two quads, interpret the simplified output. (c) Define modulus of counter and write down the number of flips flops required to construct mod 7 counter (d) Construct OR gate using NOR gate. (e) Demonstrate with example the function of EQU directive.  (f) Find the number of address lines required for:  1. 2K RAM  2. 16K ROM