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Digital techniques_question bank

 (a) Sketch symbol and write truth table of two input EX-OR gate. 

 (b) Define the term ‘Multiplexer’. State two examples of multiplexer. 

 (c) Implement T flip flop using J K flip flop. Write its truth table. 

 (d) Implement following Boolean equation using fundamental gates : 

 Y = ABC + A BC + A C B 

 (e) Convert the following decimal number to octal.

(i) (28)10

(ii) (62)10

(f)Draw the symbol of EX-OR and EX-NOR gate along with its logical equation

g) Draw symbol of AND gate and write its truth table.

h) Draw the symbol of D-FlipFlop and T-FlipFlop.

i) Define Bidirectional Shift Register and Universal Shift Register.

j) State different triggering methods in digital circuits.

k) State DeMorgan’s theorems.

l) Convert the following:

(i) (111011)2 = ( ? ) gray code

(ii) (46)10 = ( ? ) excess-3 code

m) What is Modulus of counter? How many FlipFlops are required for MOD-11 counter.

n) Implement given logical equation using gates Y = AB+C


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