here you will find conversion of number system. I am sure this will help you and very easy to learn.
Tricks to remember
1.when you convert decimal numbers into other number system then divide decimal number by radix of other number system.
E.g. converting decimal number into hex then divide decimal number by 16.
2. when you convert any number system into decimal then multiply converted number digits by power of that converted number system.
E.g. convert octal into decimal then multiply octal digits by power of 8.
3. when you dealing with octal number system then make a group of 3 bits or represent number by group of 3 bits. E.g. 3=(011), 45=(100 101) etc.
4. when you dealing with hexadecimal number system then make a group of 4 bits or represent number by group of 4 bits. E.g. A=(1010), 3=(0011) etc.
here you will find a total chart of conversion of number system.
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