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Digital Techniques_Answer In Brief

Answer the following questions in Brief (4 Marks)

1) List out any four assembler directives and state their functions.

2) Sketch diagram showing interfacing of two chips of RAM having size 2k  8 to 8051 microcontroller. Write its memory map.

3) Minimize following Boolean equation using ‘k’ map : Y = A B C + A B C + A B C + ABC and                implement using basic gates.

4) List out three types of buses. State their functions.

5) Add (532)10 and (248)10 in BCD.

6) Compare TTL and CMOS logic families on the basis of size, power, cost and speed.

7) Minimize following expression using K-map f (P, Q, R, S) = Σ m(0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13,15).

8) Describe the working of 4-bit ripple counter with logic diagram and waveform.

9) State advantages and disadvantages of single slope ADC.

10) Realize  F1 = Sm (0, 2, 4, 6)

                    F2 = Sm (1, 3, 5) using Demultiplexer.

11) Draw and explain working of R-2R DAC.

12) Draw circuit diagram of TTL NAND gate and explain its working.

13) Subtract using 2’s complement method

(i) (1110)2 – (1001)2

(ii) (1000)2 – (1001)2

14) Draw Master Salve JF FlipFlop and write its truth table.

15) Design MOD-6 Counter using IC 7490 and write its truth table.

16) Perform the following operations :

(i) (1001)2 × (1101)2

(ii) (1001)2 / (11)2

17) Compare TTL, ECL & CMOS logic families (any 4 points)

18) Realize following expression using MUX : f = S m (0, 3, 5, 9, 11, 15)

19) Describe operation of PISO shift register with neat circuit diagram.

20) Compare single slope ADC with dual slope ADC w.r.t.

21) Draw organization of 4 × 4 memory and label it.

22) Perform following BCD operations :

(i) 27+16   (ii) 35 –19

23) State and prove DeMorgan’s theorems.

24) Simplify given SOP equation using K-map technique – Y = Σm (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15)

25) Draw the circuit diagram of master-slave J-K flip-flop using NAND gates and explain its operation.

26) Draw the block diagram of single slope ADC. State its disadvantage.

27) Draw organization of 8 × 8 memory and label it.

28) Convert the following decimal number into excess-3 code,

       i) (6)10         ii) (35)10          iii) (46)10     iv) (142.2)10.

29) Implement the following using 16 : 1 multiplexer, y = Σm (1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12).

30) Write the use of preset and clear terminal in a flip-flop.

31) Draw the block diagram of successive approximation type ADC and write the function of each block.


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