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Digital techniques__Number System


      Here I am talking about the term DIGITAL. It is for the most part connected with a PC. A PC performs procedure on tallying digits. Subsequently advanced is something which is countable. PCs acknowledges input store it, measure the information and produces the yield. Accordingly computerized frameworks are the electronic gadget or source which create stores and interaction the sign. From above PC is computerized framework sees just double language (0 or 1).

      Some examples of digital systems are:

     1)      Registers
2)      Flip-flops
3)      Counters
4)      Microprocessor
5)      Digital calculators etc.

Number System:

      ·         A number system defines a set of values used to represent a quantity.
·         There are four main types of number system :
       1)      Decimal number system
       2)      Binary number system
       3)      Octal number system
       4)      Hexadecimal number system
·         The number of values that a digit (one character) can assume is equal to the base of the                    system. it is called as radix of the system.
·         E.g. for decimal number system, the base is 10 hence every digit can assume 10 values                     (0, 1, 2…..9).
·         The largest value of digit is always one less than the base. E.g. the largest digit in decimal                system is 9.
·         Each digit position (place) represents a different multiple of base. E.g. consider the decimal             number. We have to multiply each of digits by some power of base/radix.

Following is a chart of number systems with their radix.

Sr No.
Name of System

Binary Number System

Octal Number System

Decimal Number System

Duodecimal Number System

Hexadecimal Number Sy

    Here we understand the basics of digital system now we will discuss number systems one by one in next post.



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